20 March 2009

Two Fangs and a Little Bat

Vampires fascinate millions of people, terrify probably a billion and still, the fangs and the blood lust have a basis in the animal world. Scientists found a fish that has Dracula-like fangs.

The 17 mm fish is found only in one stream in Burma. Danionella dracula has bony fangs. They are not really teeth, nor are they used for sucking blood. Take a look here.

I've wanted fangs for a while. I don't know why, exactly. I'm not really a goth kind of guy, but I asked some of my friends in the know and they recommend this site, if you want your set of Dracula dentures. http://www.vampfangs.com/Dental-Fit-Fangs-s/3.htm When I get some cash, I am buying myself a pair. I'll let you know how that works out.

The prankster in me wishes for a time machine to go back with a bunch of Halloween costumes to scare the hell out of our ancestors. Apparently, they took this vampire stuff really serious. A grave in Venice yielded a historic vampire--they put a brick in the mouth to keep them from chewing after death. I wonder if that cost extra in the burial fee, or was just a public service. For more on the vampire grave: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20126985.200-vampire-discovered-in-mass-grave.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news

Space vampires could be a problem, I read in a comic book in the "30 Days of Night" series. And what is a vampire? Sometimes a bat. Last week, a bat was seen trying to hitch a ride into space on the fuel tank of Space Shuttle Discovery.

No shit.

Read the details here.

According to ABC news, "Discovery docked to the International Space Station and later this week will install the final truss and solar arrays to give the orbiting lab more power, which will allow the crew to expand from three to six."

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1 comment:

  1. So are you applying for one of the extra spots in the International Space Station?
