19 March 2009

Charmkins--75 Million Years Later

T. rex next to his offspring.  by Caleb Schaber
T. rex next to his offspring. Art by Caleb Schaber

I have a strange fascination with chickens. Perhaps it was the sad story of Charmkins, a good friend we all lost at Burning Man in 2001. Now, Charmkins, a dead, festering chicken we burned at the event, is "flying 747s in the sky."

I read this week that paleontologists have discovered fossil remains of carnivorous chicken sized dinosaurs that resemble velociraptors from "Jurassic Park" fame.

That would be a cool pet to have I think. Chickens are T Rex's closest living relative, believe it or not.

My fascination with chickens lead me to acquire a rubber chicken that I carry with me pretty much everywhere I go. Charmkins, jr. was very popular in Iraq. Here is a video of him flying over Mosul. We were doing dives, trying to get him to fly with those little wings.

Even more terrifying than a T. Rex, or a chicken sized T. Rex, is the "Predator X," a creature with teeth a foot in length and ten times the jaw power than the T. rex. The 50 foot leviathan had a ten foot skull that would make jaws look like a minnow.

Sadly, as much as I like chickens and idealize the carnivorous world of dinosaurs past, I recently heard that they have the same problems as humans do, teenagers. Like today's Darwin Award winners, dinosaurs that died before reproduction sometimes left fossils. A find in Mongolia's Gobi desert reveals that young dinosaurs hung out together, and in places they shouldn't have. And they died through youthful carelessness.

When you take a bite of chicken, don't forget the history behind that tasty meal!

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  1. So many segues, so many chickens! What a wonderful way to weave a tale together, Caleb.

    Inquiring minds want to know:

    How is Charmkins Jr. reacting to the five real chickens you are farm-sitting?

    And are you a leg man or a breast man?

  2. Oh god...How "ewwww" can you get....shudder...Deb...ugh.

    What a used up old chicken.

    Bwaaacck! Bwwwak. Bwwaaakkkk!

  3. Actually Dove, Caleb loved that comment but wasn't sure how to reply so he chose not to.

    We worked together for several hours launching this new web site. My editorial additions besides spelling and grammar included the last two sentences as well as the creation of a new Google Adsense account so that Caleb's audience would know how to support him.

    How unfortunate your statement is. Caleb's memory deserves better.
